Saturday, April 11, 2009

Guardian Angels

Guardian AngelSince my first seizure dad’s been trawling the Internet for information to help him to cope with and understand my condition. He spends ages online anyhow, but this was different. The Internet is a fantastic resource full of useful information, the problem is mining for it effectively. You can dig and dig and miss all the great stuff that you’re really after.

Well recently dad encountered a particularly useful website that anyone with a dog suffering from Epilepsy must add to their favourites list.

The site is a vast seam of knowledge in regard to canine epilepsy. Quite simply it puts in one place almost all of the knowledge dad spent so long to gather from many, many resources over several months.

But there’s one other factor that makes this site so good, and that’s the people behind it. After dropping a brief line of hello and thanks for a great resource, we got a friendly reply offering support should we need it. What a kind and valuable gesture.

So the site’s not merely a “Read This” but it’s driven by people who have been or are in the same predicament as us, with more experience to share. They've been there and seen it and done it. Access to that kind of feedback would have proven extremely valuable in the early days where dad really was finding his feet.

Your vet is a useful resource and very knowledgeable and nothing should detract from that. But it can be a little clinical and you can feel isolated. Just knowing there’s someone else out there who’s been through what you are going through can help enormously.

So if you've come across this site looking for answers about your pets condition, by all means come back, but first visit Guardian Angels and whilst you’ll spend hours reading – you’ll still save days of mining, reading, mining, reading, getting frustrated and feeling alone.

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