Monday, March 9, 2009

Are You a Betting Man?

Gambling ChipsWell looks like dad should be betting on the horses. It turns out he was able to read the form and based on the previous history it looked like he was able to guess that another cluster was imminent.

20:50 I was acting a little more frisky than usual, bugging dad to take me out for a walk, which on the way out caused him to say I was acting funny to mum. Then when we got out and had a good walk, on the way back I went into a seizure.

The seizures are definitely different than they have been. It's still a very significant event but the pattern has changed. Now I get the staring, chomping and muscle clenching, falling over, but the paddling seems to have been replaced with being completely unresponsive and lethargic.

As I lay in the park after the seizure it was as if I were so tired I couldn't get up and was panting heavily. Dad couldn't get my attention and even by lifting my head I appeared vacant with my eyes open. Dad then vigorously shakes as if to wake me from a deep sleep and I then come out of it and begin to become aware of my surroundings once more.

Because of the previous timings of seizures the usual pattern would be 4-5 hours apart. So we were waiting on a seizure at around 1am. True to form at 1am I woke dad panting heavily. But instead of going into a seizure I went to lie on the floor next to dad in bed and proceeded to sleep.

04:20 (Tuesday) Having missed the previously expected schedule it appears I caught up with it later. I woke dad by going into the jaw chomping and muscle twisting, but again didn't go into the paddling. Just lay there needing to be awoken before I got up and dad took me downstairs for some left over KFC - Hmmm, chicken!

Then it was back to sleep waiting to see if there are any more in store. Dad's working from home today so he can keep an eye on me.

14:35 Good job dad was still here. It looked like I was just getting back to being myself, but I guess we're not that lucky. It also looks like the vacant and lethargic behaviour goes on its own afterwards. It doesn't seem to need dad trying to wake me, it just leaves me shattered and when I do come out of it I've still got to eat.

19:30 Well it looks like I'm fitting back to the cycle. Maybe the previous seizures are just going to be the exceptions.

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