Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Strangeness Continues...

Coiled SpringToday dad thought I'd still got "that" look about me. So sure enough at around 7pm I started to go off on one. Mum was there too so saw for herself. I was well past the chompie stage and dad started calling me and trying to get my attention with some gentle rubs and I popped out of it again. It's really very strange, but if you can catch it in time it looks like the full seizure can be at least postponed.

Afterwards it's like nothing happened, but sure enough five minutes go by and the chompies start again. Dad then distracts me again and away they go. This carries on for half an hour or so with varying little chompies to the stage where you'd think I was going into full seizure, but then all is calm.

It's all just very strange. It really is like over time the seizure builds like a coiled spring. Then it needs to release full force, but if you can catch it just right you can slow it and let it release a little more gradually.

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